2024 NCTE Annual Convention

October 2024
Sharing Reflections on 2023
This post was written by NCTE member Jennifer Slagus, reprinted with permission from The CLA Blog. As an NCTE first-timer, there are so many interesting and inspiriting artifacts I have brought back—infused in my thoughts and praxis—which have already impacted my doctoral research and librarianship. CLA made that possible, as I was a recipient of Continue reading →
Reflections on NCTE 2023
This post was written by NCTE member Callie Hammond, reprinted with permission from The CLA Blog. Although I have been an English educator for nine years, the 2023 NCTE Convention in Columbus was my first time attending. I can honestly say that it exceeded all of my wildest expectations! I am grateful to the Children’s Continue reading →
No Hyphen Needed
This post was written by NCTE member Tien Pham. As I rode up those escalators, my stomach was all fluttered with anxiety, and as the large NCTE sign greeted me at the top, every stitch of my clothing felt tight, sweat poured, and not a single item I had on felt comfortable. I sat at Continue reading →
NCTE Thoughts
This post was written by NCTE member Denise Krebs, reprinted with permission from her blog. On Friday, I received an email from NCTE with the session information for "Words That Mend: Finding Heart, Hope, and Humanity within the Healing Power of Poetry." This session will be on Thursday at 11:30 a.m. in room 210A. There Continue reading →
More Reflections on NCTE 2023
This post was written by NCTE member Liz Thackeray Nelson, reprinted with permission from The CLA Blog. This year marks my 11th NCTE Annual Convention, but only my second conference in my role as an assistant professor, and my first conference bringing undergraduate students to present. As I reflect on my experiences at previous Conventions, Continue reading →