2024 NCTE Annual Convention

Event Policies

Event Policies

Code of Conduct

NCTE expects all participants to adhere to the following policies in regard to our Annual Convention. NCTE reserves the right to take action against any participant in the Convention whose conduct is inconsistent with these policies. Action may include dismissal from the Convention and/or termination of NCTE membership.


Demonstrations and protests will be conducted in a peaceful and organized manner, will be within the policies of the venue, and will be compliant with federal, state, and local laws. Such activities are strictly forbidden in exhibition space, and protesters will not be permitted to block the entrance to traffic flow within the exhibit area. NCTE retains the right to permit protests to occur in predetermined areas and to terminate any protests that occur on its property or property NCTE is renting, leasing, or otherwise using for a specific time to host an event. Attendees who do not uphold these standards may jeopardize their membership and/or event participation.


By attending the Convention, you acknowledge and agree that NCTE, or others acting on its behalf or through sponsorship or exhibitor contracts, may take photographs and video (by any means) and/or make sound recordings during the Convention (including via social media) and that you may appear in such photographs and videos and be heard in such sound recordings, and that NCTE may edit and use the footage it captures for marketing and promotional activities (including through social media) now and in the future, and for any other lawful purpose in the ordinary course of its business.

Please be respectful of presenters and other attendees when photographing, videoing, or sound recording any part of any Convention sessions or other content. Please request permission of presenters before photographing or recording and/or posting on social media. Live-streaming any part of the Convention is prohibited.


The expectation is that all presenters will register for the Convention and will attend it in person. This request is out of respect for the attendees who will travel to Boston expecting to see live presenters and to ensure a positive experience for the attendees.


NCTE welcomes any individual who chooses to wear a mask during meetings and encourages all attendees to show respect for individual choices. NCTE will continue to monitor applicable health guidelines to the extent there are any recommended changes and may add new health and safety guidance or requirements should the current situation change. Of course, each individual should make an informed decision regarding travel and attendance at in-person meetings based on their own circumstances.


(All speakers on the Annual Convention Program are required to agree to the below)

In connection with the 2024 National Council of Teachers of English (“NCTE”) Annual Convention (“Convention”), I (“Speaker”) have agreed to present individually or as part of a group or panel (collectively herein referred to as the “Presentation”). My Presentation and all of my contributions to it, including the content of my comments, presentation, speeches, written materials, audio and/or visual presentations, or videos, are collectively referred to herein as the “Works.”

I understand that NCTE, as part of its mission, is devoted to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education. I represent that my Presentation will support this mission and not deviate from it, in whole or in part. I also understand that my Presentation proposal (“Proposal”) has gone through a detailed review process and has been accepted to the Convention program by NCTE members and/or staff. In accepting me as a Speaker, I understand that NCTE has relied on the content and representations made in my Proposal, including but not limited to descriptions, titles, speakers, and Works contained therein. I understand that I am prohibited from making any material changes, additions, or deletions to my Presentation as described in my Proposal without express written approval of NCTE. Requests for any such changes must be detailed in writing and received by NCTE at least thirty days prior to the delivery of my Presentation.

I represent and warrant that the Works are original to me and/or author(s) who have authorized me to use and grant rights on their behalf. I further represent and warrant that the use of the Works by NCTE will not in any way infringe upon the rights of others, and that I have the full power to make this grant on behalf of myself and/or the author(s) and that this Agreement does not conflict with any prior obligations.

I grant NCTE permission to publicly display, broadcast, and distribute the Works. I further grant NCTE the nonexclusive right to use my name, voice, session descriptions, photograph, and likeness (collectively, “Likeness”) in connection with the Convention and future conventions, including to promote the Convention and future conventions. I waive any right to inspect or preapprove the use of the Works or my Likeness, or any content that may be used in connection therewith. I release NCTE from any liability concerning any blurring, distortion, alteration, or editing, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in using the Works. NCTE agrees not to sell or license the Works without the express written consent of the Speaker.

NCTE has no obligation to use the Works or Likeness in any way, and no obligation to pay any royalties for any of the rights and permissions provided herein.

I understand that as a Speaker at the Annual Convention, I am required to register for the Convention and pay the appropriate registration fee(s). If I fail to register or to let NCTE know that I can no longer participate as a Speaker by the cancellation deadline of October 1, 2024, I understand that I will be responsible for paying the registration rate and an invoice will be issued for that fee.

NCTE’s Mutual Respect & Anti-Harassment Policy

NCTE is committed to producing events where everyone may learn, network, and socialize in an environment of mutual respect. Therefore, some behaviors are prohibited, including harassment related to gender, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, disability, race, age, religion, political affiliation, or beliefs; intimidation, stalking, or following; harassing photography or recording; sustained or repeated disruption of talks or events; inappropriate contact or unwelcome sexual attention; or any other conduct that NCTE leadership finds to be unreasonably hostile, offensive, or humiliating. Participants are expected to observe this policy at all times in regard to the Convention.  Contact eventcommunications@ncte.org if you believe this policy has been violated. All reports will be directed to NCTE leadership immediately.