2024 NCTE Annual Convention

Moving Forward with Energy

This post was written by NCTE member Madison Gannon, reprinted with permission from ELATE-GS. They asked members what their biggest takeaways from last year’s NCTE Annual Convention were, whether they’re following up from work that was inspired or begun at NCTE, and how their experience attending the conference is bringing their work forward. Read on! My colleague, Sarah Continue reading →

Moving Forward with Inspiration

This post was written by NCTE member Danielle Parker, reprinted with permission from ELATE-GS. They asked members what their biggest takeaways from last year’s NCTE Annual Convention were, whether they’re following up from work that was inspired or begun at NCTE, and how their experience attending the conference is bringing their work forward. Read on! As a first-time Continue reading →

Moving Forward with Joy

This post was written by NCTE member Caroline Bedingfield Rabalais, reprinted with permission from ELATE-GS. They asked members what their biggest takeaways from last year’s NCTE Annual Convention were, whether they’re following up from work that was inspired or begun at NCTE, and how their experience attending the conference is bringing their work forward. Read on! My experience Continue reading →

NCTE Convention: Uniting Teachers and Bringing Enlightenment

This post was written by NCTE first-time Convention attendee Denise Loeber. Photo is the author and the friend she met on the airplane heading to the Convention, Michelle Commert.   If you want to know what it is like to attend an NCTE Convention; think Disney World for teachers. I took a leap of faith and Continue reading →

Attending My First NCTE Convention

This post was written by NCTE first-time Convention attendee Janina Schulz.   Attending an NCTE Convention has been on my bucket list for my entire two-decade career as an educator. I had the extraordinary privilege of attending the Convention in Anaheim with my friend and colleague, Jackie Smith. As high school teachers in the Central Valley of Continue reading →

Lessons from the NCTE Convention

This post was written by guest author Jacob Wunsh.  I was Google searching—something to the effect of “PD aside from Teach Like a Champion”—when I came across the NCTE Annual Convention for the first time. I remember feeling equal parts enthralled and overwhelmed. Hundreds of sessions . . . yet I knew no one who Continue reading →

The Learning Continues Well After the Convention!

The Learning Continues Well After the Convention! This post was written by NCTE member Kasey Short. This year will be my fifth year in a row attending the NCTE Annual Convention and I am counting down to November when I can attend in person for the first time since 2019. Every year at the conclusion, Continue reading →

Valuing Little Javiers: Reflections from NCTE 2022
Valuing Little Javiers: Reflections from NCTE 2022 This post was written by NCTE Convention first-time attendee Philippe John Sipacio, PhD. One of the most memorable talks I attended at NCTE 2022 was delivered by Javier Zamora, a Hispanic immigrant who holds several fellowships such as Stegner at Stanford University, Radcliffe at Harvard University, and the Continue reading →
Valuing Little Javiers: Reflections from NCTE 2022

Originally published at NCTE.org   This post was written by NCTE Convention first-time attendee Philippe John Sipacio, PhD. One of the most memorable talks I attended at NCTE 2022 was delivered by Javier Zamora, a Hispanic immigrant who holds several fellowships such as Stegner at Stanford University, Radcliffe at Harvard University, and the National Endowment for the Arts Continue reading →